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Let Your Sparkle Shine Brightly: Meet & Fellowship

Public·9 members
September 4, 2020 · joined the group along with .
Oct 04, 2020

My thoughts- IMO

I must consider each word of HIS commandments individually and grouped together into his directive and concept. It is important to me to seek HIS word as written in Hebrew and/or Aramic to comprehend the extent of the meanings and definitions behind the words used. Much is lost when I consider what I have found in the past by taking an "English" translation of a word and comparing it to the Hebrew or Aramaic mean of a word. I found this important in my understanding of the 4th commandment. I will not interpret God's commandments for others. I believe it is the responsibility of each one of us to do the due diligence in the comprehension of HIS commandments. I am not the authority. HE is and I trust in Holy Spirit who reveals all things to those who ask at HIS timing and HIS directive. I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I accept them because they know HIM. It is not for me to tell someone else what His commandments require of them. It is only for me to know what His commandments require of me. For I am the one who will stand before Him and make account. I will not make account for others' actions or inaction. However, I can pray for those others to have ears to hear HIS truth as well as for my own ears to hear His truth and apply them to my own actions and inaction. Long ago the Holy Spirit spoke loudly to me when reading His word in Revelation 14:12. He laid that scripture deep within my heart and spirit. It remains. This world will pass away, but HIS word will never pass away.


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