Where dice and splice technique of Crisper was taking place (and still is), biotechnology has quickly advanced using machine learning Quantum Computers. Scientist still use invitro (petri-dishes) to experiments, see and study results of doing Gain of Function. Remember, gaining function is achieved by creating a brand new species from TWO separate families of species. For example adding an Octopus and a Frog; or Bird and a Snake. When these new entities render an offspring, what type of animal, reptile or amphibian or bird is it then? Its never existed before on this planet. It is not God created. It is adding two copies together and creating a man-made entity. But then , knowledge and technology came together even more and a newer method is being used. In fact this is the very method used for making the so-called Covid19 vaccines. If that wasn't brilliant enough big pharma is now using gene therapy and Quantum Computer machine learning to make new drugs from new cancer drugs to anti-viral and other drugs and antibiotics. I will try and explain the procedure in basic terms. Quantum machine learning is based on probability.
For example. I have a huge refrigerator box. I fill it with many different color ping-pong balls, including red ones. I tell you to put your hand in the box and try and pull out a red ping-pong ball without looking. What is the probability that when you do this 5 times that you will retrieve a red ping-pong ball? It comes down to mathematical equations. The Quantum computer's are so far advanced in its ability to learn and solve probabilities that it is almost an exact science in finding the solutions to try. This is exactly what the biotechnologist use when doing their research and finding the highest possible probability of success. Now, they apply this also to the human genome and associated bonds and genes (amino acid/protein chains etc.)
They no longer use Crisper to literally splice and dice. They use the Quantum Computer to "spit out" the correct formulas the hold the highest probability of successes. When the Quantum Computer spits out or vomits it's recipe, the scientist merely take the recipe and use it to make a cake batter. Once the cake batter is made, they name it their new drug recipe and test it. These tests are monitored or "studied." Results are written and published. IF the scientist that are backed by big pharma or interested "backers," a patent is applied for and now the recipe is owned and cannot be reproduced except by the owners of the patents. (such as Phizer, or Moderna, or J & J etc.) Just recently, they have employed the use of 3D printers to fold newly made protein chains which can change function in normal cells. The speed at which Quantum Computers realize potential solutions is faster than
the speed of light.
Guess what, we are in big trouble!